Back From The Dead: The Rising Of African Spirit

The anthology is a celebration of life, its different seasons and the struggle to overcome. The book consists of 50 poems; some poems are images of personal struggle, others visualise the celebration of love, and a few are odes to great leaders and historical reflections.

The single message the book intends to transfer to the reader is a sense of self love and appreciation. Throughout the book references are made to Africa with the sole intention to encourage Africans on the continent and across the Diaspora to reflect on their rich identity, self-concept and to be proud of their heritage, in order to inject a greater sense of self-worth and responsibility in their daily lives.
This book is dedicated to all those that have made a positive impact on my life, whether intended or not, especially those that have emphasized the need to cultivate more love and tolerance in the world.

Born in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa, I am a reluctant writer.

The main reason I write poetry is to highlight the numerous conundrums that life offers. All I do is relay life’s questions to the reader to provoke thought or possible answers. I also write partly because I think African people should take the lead in defining the African experience and play an active role in shaping young minds.

Whilst growing up I disliked reading because the authors, the characters and the stories were always about other people from other lands and their perspective on everything, including us as a people.

Writing was always a hobby that became a copywriting job and ultimately I am writing for a greater purpose.

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